Each of us on this planet is striving for joy and peace. Joy is the state of being that we all know from the time of our birth. It's a by-product of love, which is our highest vibration as we are soveroegn beings of light. It's a state of being that we recognize as our true self-who we deeply are.
Many of us don't get to experience joy, instead feel happiness which is short lived. Happiness is an emotion and not a state of beingness. The reason we're doing this is we are raised in a world that has told us so, for example: Our heritage tells us what to believe and feel; our government tells us what to believe and feel, our society tells us what to believe and feel; and our past experiences dictate our present reactions.
These beliefs can be observed in our thoughts, for example:
1. I am too fat, I hate this dress on me.
2. Money doesn't grow on trees. I have to work very hard to make good money.
3. OMG! Why did I just say that! I sounded so stupid.
Furthermore, we have been conditioned to consume the world in an effort to attain this illusory perfection, and it shows in our daily lives. We aspire to pictures on social media on how we should look, feel and be.Plainly put, we work at places we do not like in order to buy stuff we do not need. We have forgotten that the source of joy lies within the center of our spiritual being, and we have replaced it by seeking it in the material world. We have things backwards. No external validation will bring us joy!
Everything starts with a thought, which is a thought. That's why it's crucial to pay attention to your thoughts. If you worry about getting all those bills paid you'll create more of the same thing, simply because you've entertained it.
Your thoughts are nothing more than frequencies or vibrations that resonate with similar vibrations already existing. Your thoughts become feelings and feelings lead to manifestations and actions. Fascinating, isn't it? You would like to be able to control your views, given that they create your reality. If you are able to control your thoughts, you are able to control what you would like to create and manifest in your life.
If you cannot control your thoughts, things will manifest that seem random and unconnected to you - and they are - they're actually manifested from others. Your greatest power is free will and choices so use it. Your consciousness is like a radio station. You can send signals and programs and you can receive signals and programs. Sometimes you may want to receive and sometimes you may want to send. To know when to send and when to receive is one of the greatest success factors in life. It's the balance of knowing when to create and when to experience. You cannot constantly create for you would miss out on the other part of the experience. On the other hand, if you only experience things, you'll never get to manifest anything. Another way of putting it would be responsive responsibility - the ability to consciously respond. In every moment, you have a choice.
Whenever you have a negative thought, replace it with a positive affirmation. Scientifically it has been proven by neuroscientists that positive affirmations increase the activity in the prefrontal lobe cortex thereby firing up neural pathways and making changes to these areas of the brain. So, it's like rewiring the brain. Affirmations are the expression of your thoughts, words and actions. This is the Law of Attraction and it's a universal law. All mankind is bound by this law, whether we believe in it or not.
Use active verbs in your affirmations. Getting, doing, having, learning, loving, and earning are all words that immediately show an image of action to your inner self. The more clearly you are able to see the action in your mind the more powerful the impact of the affirmation will be. Affirm the positive not the negative. Always choose words to reflect the positive results you desire. For example: "each day I happily choose food that supports my healthy body" is much more powerful than- I am losing weight". Keep your affirmations short and sweet. Affirmations that are simple to remember and repeat will have the most impact. It is more effective to use three short statements that are easily spoken. For example: "I am enough".
Attach strong emotion to your affirmations. When making your affirmations use words that evoke strong feelings in you. When you're saying your affirmations, even silently to yourself, say them with strong emotion. Here is an example: See it when you say it. Stand tall, stride around the room, and throw your arms out wide. If you're in a place where you're saying your affirmations silently then see yourself taking these physical actions in your mind's eye while you're repeating your affirmations.
Practice the physical part of saying your affirmations whenever you get the chance. This way you'll have a solid anchor of yourself going through these movements for those times when you need to visualize the movement and you silently say the affirmation. Use present tense words. I'm now receiving, I'm doing, I now have, choosing these phrases to send the message to your basic self that your desired result exists right now.
It's the responsibility of your basic self to fulfill your directives as quickly as possible. If you put your affirmations in the future tense, as in I will or I'm going to then your basic self has no clear directive to act now. Your desired goal will continue to stay in the future because that's the information you're putting out.
Remember that words are symbols for our thoughts. Each word or combination of words carries the energy of an image (thought) specific to you. Word your affirmations to get the exact results you desire. Invest in a good thesaurus. The more words you have at your command the more precise you can be in wording your affirmation.
Create the greatest, grandest version of yourself from moment to moment!
In love & light,