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Writer's pictureGits Singh

Psychic Vampires: Understanding, Recognizing, and Protecting Yourself from Energy Stealers

Psychic vampires are energy stealers who suck our vital energy, deplete us, and cause us to become unhealthy emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually. A psychic vampire is a person who steals other people's energy by attaching themselves to another person's energy field through cords. When they need a boost, they unconsciously steal your energy instead of using their own. These cords prevent you from being the real you and can be seen with the psychic third eye.

Recognizing a Psychic Vampire Traits of a dis-empowered energy stealer include feeling lonely or abandoned, feeling rejected, needing constant reassurance, never feeling satisfied, not liking to be alone, seeking nurturing or feeling the need to be taken care of, low energy and fatigue, having a poor me attitude, being a drama king or queen, being a constant talker that never allows you to speak, needing you to be their therapist or rescuer fixing their problems, being a blamer making you feel guilty about things, being vindictive by putting you down, being unhappy a lot, trying to control you or your life, and manipulating you to get things their way.

How to Know if You're Being Psychically Attacked Symptoms of being psychically attacked include dizziness, loss of energy, muscle tension, mental confusion, headaches, chronic fatigue, sleep disturbances, irritability, depressed mood, physical illness, small diminishing aura, leaks, holes, and/or tears in your aura.

Protecting Yourself from Psychic Vampires First, you need to become aware of which individuals deplete your energy and limit your contact with them. Secondly, release all the negative emotions that you carry within yourself, such as anger, hurt, jealousy, etc. Releasing all negative emotions brings freedom because fear is the robber of peace. Disharmony in our four energetic bodies will cause us to be vulnerable, so darkness and confusion can enter. Following are some tools to empower yourself from Psychic Vampires.

Cord cutting is an effective exercise that should be done on a daily basis and much more often when going through a stressful period in life. To cut cords, take some deep cleansing breaths, call upon Arch Angel Michael, and ask him for assistance in cutting all cords attached to your being. Visualize Michael swirling his sword around your entire being severing all cords. Know that no cord can remain intact and they are returning to where they came from. When you feel Michael has completed this process, thank him for his assistance. It is done.

Physical purification can also be helpful, including burning all relevant photographs or objects holding negative emotions, smudging oneself with sage or palo santo, bathing in salt, baking soda, or apple cider vinegar, and using essential oils.

In conclusion, becoming aware of psychic vampires and taking steps to protect oneself is essential for overall well-being. By limiting contact with energy stealers, releasing negative emotions, cutting cords, and performing physical purification, one can maintain a positive and healthy energy field.

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