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Writer's pictureGits Singh

Understanding the 5th Dimension

Spirituality is open to many different meanings. To me it is simple: it is about me connecting to the collective consciousness of all (both in the cosmos and on Mother Earth), remembering my truth and connection to my family of light (my spirit guides, angels, star guides, ascended masters, ancestors, and God). We are all spiritual beings because we are all energy and are interconnected.

When your soul enters this body and you are born, through new memories and conditioning you forget your truth. When one goes through a spiritual awakening, he/she releases what no longer serves him or her through what we call shadow work or dark shadows of the soul work to remember his/her truth. Or the connection to the higher self, so think of it as a direct phone line from your body to your higher self. As a bonus, you can connect to your family of light too. This world that we experience on Mother Earth is affected by the space-time continuum so there's past, present and future. This is our Matrix. This is the world of duality. Mother Earth has her own consciousness. You can see her as a person who decided to increase her vibration because she was becoming damaged by us. Now that she is increasing her vibration she is taking us with her. The human population is at its highest ever. Did you ever ask yourself why? The souls are coming to experience this transformation of Mother Earth.

The duality that we experience is vibrating at 3-dimensional consciousness. An example of duality is good and bad or love and fear. This is where the ego resides. Where there is fear, victim mentality...where happiness is dependent on the external and not from within. To increase the vibration of your body, you will have to begin by taking responsibility for yourself through living consciously by making choices. As you move through the dimensions of consciousness in small increments at a time, you will move from your ego to your heart centre, you will tap into your intuition, you will forgive, let go and love, you will be compassionate, you will replace fear with love. It all doesn't happen at once, because one's body will not be able to handle all the light streaming in, so it will happen in baby steps, so for example you can shift from 3,5D to 3,6D to 3,7D. Each person's journey is different and time varies. As your vibration increases, there may be times, for example in meditation where you might experience a higher dimension of consciousness or just fleeting moments of it, that's because your body is not anchored in that vibration yet. The fifth dimension is a high vibration of love. The fifth dimension (5D) is not anywhere but resides within you. So, you are not going to travel anywhere to experience it, but you will experience it from within which will affect your external experiences. A good example of 5D consciousness is the Buddha which means the enlightened one. So yes, 5D consciousness can be described as enlightenment which is remembering your truth which is love. In a nutshell, 5D is a high vibration of love!

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