An experience is just your perception, your idea. It is what you believe to be the truth. Most times truth is seen and believed with judgement. Sometimes you may try to control it and or label it. As well as dwelling on the past, as opposed to being focussed on the present moment. Adyashanti refers to these past thoughts as Velcro thoughts because they are sticky thoughts. Velcro thoughts cause suffering- focussing on the past that is not your truth in this present moment.
What if you can change the experience to believing it to be something else or positive or even better not to judge it. So, yes you can change the truth of the situation. For example, the cashier at the grocery store was rude to me. She didn't even greet me and spoke abruptly. Of course, this upset me. Why? If I look deeper it's because I may have an issue with respect and being acknowledged. During my childhood I felt ignored as no one was fully present with me. They were there in physicality but not fully consciously paying attention to me. Of course, this annoyed me, and this annoyance can easily be projected onto the cashier. Or I can choose to view the cashier as having a bad day (she could have a family member who is unwell or her supervisor or another customer could have yelled at her or she could be in chronic pain- I don't know!), it's not personal. She has her own stuff going on and I could choose to move on. Also, I could smile at her and continue to be the person I am at that moment and not pass judgement on her. Be neutral. Then, move on with my day. I just shifted that experience.
You can do the same with any negative thoughts of past bad experiences. Practice neutrality. Or you can take a few deep breaths to ground yourself and bring yourself back to the present moment. The past is over. So, don't give it any power in your present moment. It's your present moment that determines your future, not the past. Reclaim your power. You have free will to do this, you are in control of your thoughts, so live in the moment. Be present.
If the experience is very painful, then write it all down, get your emotions out and then burn the paper to release it to the universe. You can answer the following questions to help make sense of the situation:
1. What triggered it?
2. What am I feeling?
3. What is the belief that's driving this feeling and trigger?
And so it's done. Bring yourself back to neutrality. Align yourself to your sovereignty. Be present. You have a choice! Love you and sending you a big virtual hug.